LeVar Burton Appears As A Guest In Jeopardy

LeVar BurtonLeVar Burton

LeVar Burton had his dream come true moment recently. He hosted the famous show, “Jeopardy!” as a guest. This was his all-time wish. When asked, he had expressed his desire to host this show. His appearance drew large interest from fans all over. Reactions suggested that fans wanted to see Burton host the quiz as well. They even started a petition for making Burton the host of the show. 

LeVar Burton’s Appearance On “Jeopardy!” Sends Fans In Frenzy

A successful rally made Burton appear as a guest in “Jeopardy!” His fans do not show signs of stopping anytime soon. They have decided to launch an even stronger petition for Burton. This time they want him to be the permanent host of the show. 

Burton appeared as the show’s host as a guest. The show “Jeopardy!” was originally hosted by Alex Trebek. He passed away last year after succumbing to cancer in his pancreas. Since his death, the show officials did not assign any permanent host for the show. For the last few months, they rotated several guests as the host of the show. 

LeVar Burton himself put his signature on the petition and wanted to be the host. He is an accomplished quizmaster. He has proved his qualities when he hosted “Reading Rainbow”. More and more fans are joining the petition each day. More than 200,000 signatures have been accumulated. 

Burton’s episode is expected to be aired on Monday. He stated that it was a great experience for him to be working on his dream project. He also admitted that filling in the big boots of Trebek would not be an easy task. 

LeVar Burton hoped to get his dream job as fans and personalities congratulated him. However, Burton said even if he was not chosen permanently, he would not regret it. He has already worked with “Jeopardy!”, which was a dream come true for him. 

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