Gavin Newsom Has Signed A Bill Protecting Abortions

Gavin NewsomGavin Newsom

The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, went on to sign two new bills which would protect the privacy of abortion patients on Wednesday. This move came after the new abortion law in Texas, which banned all abortions after six weeks into pregnancy- whilst allowing private citizens from suing people who would help a pregnant person violate this ban.

The law in Texas took effect on the 1st of September- which was then upheld in a 5-4 decision by the Supreme Court in the country. It goes without saying that Texas and California have always been on opposite sides of the pole when it comes to several issues involving the citizens.

Gavin Newsom Upholds Abortion protection Laws 

Gavin Newsom’s California and Greg Abbott’s Texas have always been taking separate sides on topics like immigration and health care, with the Democrat-led Golden State taking liberal states, while the Republican Lone-Star State going about a more conservative path.

One of the new laws in California actually prohibits the recording or photographing of providers or patients who are within 100 feet of a clinic that routinely provides abortions, while the other law calls for complete confidence of the patient’s health information- even if the patient is not the primary policyholder. This can be seen as a direct polarization of the Texas amendment. 

The Democrat Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, stated that California has always been at the forefront in protecting access to reproductive as well as sexual rights, but they have been witness to major acts on these rights- something they need to fight against. He further mentioned that he was quite proud to be signing these new bills that would demonstrate the state government’s dedication to strengthening and protecting health care services in the state.

Gavin Newsom has been having quite an eventful time in office, for he survived an effort to have him removed from office just earlier this month- which was parked by the coronavirus restrictions that were imposed on businesses, schools, and several places of worship.

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