Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda. Wed, 18 Aug 2021 15:56:04 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Watchdog Uganda 32 32 NRM SG Todwong meets party District Election Officers, calls for consistence, better service delivery Wed, 18 Aug 2021 15:56:04 +0000 The National Resistance Movement (NRM) Secretary General Richard Todwong on Wednesday met with the party District Election Officers (DEOs) at the party Electoral Commission head offices in Nakasero, Kampala.

Todwong reassured the DEOs of the party’s continuous support and commitment towards streamlining party activities from the top to the ground.

He also called for solidarity between the election officers and the Secretariat leadership to ensure consistence and better service delivery.

The Chairperson of the district registrars, Patrick Kamulindwa who also doubles as the Registrar for Kabarole applauded Todwong for accepting to meet and address them at such a short notice which he said was a sign of special recognition towards the group.

He also requested the NRM top leadership to consider them while implementing some government programs that focus on uplifting the welfare of Ugandans.

The meeting was also attended by NRM Electoral Commission Chairman Dr.Tanga Odoi, the Deputy National Treasurer Hon, Jacqueline Kyatuhaire and Counsel Oscar Kihika, the party director for Legal Affairs.

]]> Afghan Women no go Zone For Stingy Ugandan Men! Minister Warns as Netizens’ Excitement Reaches Boiling Point Wed, 18 Aug 2021 14:44:50 +0000 Uganda has been gripped by excitement following reports of the impending arrival of over 2, 000 refugees from crisis-torn Afghanistan.

Early this week, the government announced that as many as 2, 000 refugees from Afghanistan were to seek refugee in the country, with the first batch of 500 expected as early as yesterday.

For the very first time in the recent past, Ugandans seem to strongly agree with the government’s move, with some appealing that some refugees from south Sudan be sent to to Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to create room for more of their counterparts from Afghanistan.

Following the frenzy however, Hon Betty Amongi, the Minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development had no kind words for specifically men with lamenting pockets and purses.

Although she seems appreciative of the cooperation exhibited by the majority of Ugandans, especially on the internet, the Minister, in her Wednesday tweet made her feelings known while saying she only hopes the men jumping up and down over the prospecting of having the refugee women are not particularly those from the stingy men’s Association.

“I have seen our Ugandan men praying forsake landing of Afghanistan refugees and sharing photos as bellow. They are promising total cooperation with government this time on this project! Hope it’s not Stingy men’s Association,” Amongi tweeted.

]]> Babalanda Anti Graft Fever Spills to USPC as Minister Grills Officials Wed, 18 Aug 2021 13:30:07 +0000 As Minister for Presidency Milly Babirye Babalanda continues bulldozing corrupt officials in her ministry, she has paid an impromptu visit to the offices of the Uganda Security Printing Company (USPC) at Kyadondo Road, Kampala. Watchdog has learned.

The Minister was accompanied by officials from the Office of the President and Kampala Central Division Residential City Commissioner (RCC) Hud Hussein.

Although content of the meeting is very scanty, it is reported that Babalanda, a key member of President Museveni’s “Fishermen” cabinet was at the Kyadondo based establishment’s offices as part of her ongoing operations to clean the Ministry as per her commitment to cleaning the image of the Presidency as per her take over speech in July.

The interaction which was purely closed to the media is reportedly part of a string of measures driven towards weeding out corruption, administrative inefficiencies, and poor service delivery from the office of the President.

The visit comes just a day after another one to Uganda Printing and Publishing Corporation (UPPC) in Entebbe yesterday, where she suspended the Corporation’s Board of Directors and all procurement activities and asked officials implicated to return the stolen funds within five days or risk imprisonment if investigations find them culpable.

A fortnight ago, the Minister ordered for drastic changes in the management structures at the Uganda AIDS Commission which included scrapping some committees which were fattening expenses on one side while slowing decision making and implementation of the Commission’s programs.

In her July inaugural speech as Minister, Babalanda emphasized that she would use a zero-tolerance to corruption and inefficiency in executing her mandate.

]]> Uganda: Afghan refugees to stay in Namboole Stadium Wed, 18 Aug 2021 11:40:22 +0000 Afghan Refugees coming to Uganda will temporarily be hosted at Mandela National Stadium- Namboole, according to a source privy to the arrangement.

Although currently the national stadium is partially a Covid-19 treatment center, government is ready to use part of it to accommodate refugees from Afghanistan.

On Monday, State Minister for Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Esther Anyakun revealed that Uganda is set to receive 2,000 refugees from Afghanistan at Entebbe International Airport.

“Our team is ready at the airport, including the health team. Tonight we are expecting 500 Afghans,” she said. .

According to Anyakun, this was after the United States of America requested the East African country to host the refugees that are affected by the Taliban forces in Afghanistan. The Afghan nationals will temporarily be hosted for three months or longer with the emergency landing of the first batch expected in the country anytime.

Sources revealed that earlier announcement of the Afghan’s coming caused a crisis meeting which was called by senior government officials to find out details of a plan to host at least 2,000 fleeing Afghan nationals at the request of the United States.

It’s alleged that the minister was first to disclose the program to some media houses before all arrangements were put in place which causes confusion since it was revealed prematurely.

Over the weekend, when the Taliban took over Afghanistan and due to their brutality and enforcement of the Sharia law, local people started running for their lives and on Monday Kabul’s international airport was in the throes of chaos s desperate Afghans tried to flee on departing U.S. jets.

Video images from the airport on Monday showed people holding on to a military plane moving along the tarmac and appeared to show two objects or people fall off when the aircraft was hundreds of feet in the air. Pentagon officials acknowledged the video imagery but said they couldn’t yet confirm what had occurred, or if people had fallen from the plane. Commanders have begun an investigation into what happened on the tarmac, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said on Monday.

Witnesses separately reported seeing three bloodied bodies, including that of one woman, on the ground outside the passenger terminal building. Stranded travellers said those people had been shot.

]]> Police woo Men, Boys In Fight Against Gender Based Violence Wed, 18 Aug 2021 11:01:58 +0000 Police’s Department of Child and Family Protection is conducting a male engagement dialogue in the districts of Arua, Kitgum, Kasese, Kyegegwa and Bundibugyo. The dialogue started on 16 th August, 2021 and will end on 18 th August, 2021.

According to SSP Atuhaire Maureen, the Acting Commissioner Child and Family Protection Department, these dialogues are to give men and boys a chance to rethink maleness and change the way they treat women, girls and each other which helps to improve their attitude towards relationship violence.

SSP Atuhaire says men and boys need help to become confident in being a man and to be able to express their masculinity in a positive way through care, love and respect.

“Achieving this is good for them and good for women and girls as well,” SSP Atuhaire says.

She says that violence can be prevented through promoting positive masculinity or manhood by encouraging men and boys to express a full range of emotions and feel validated, acknowledging that men can be vulnerable and seek help when necessary, treat people equally and respectfully, listen to and value women and girls and also serve as role models for their male peers.

The dialogue comes at a time when the police is registering so many cases relating to Gender Based Violence.

For example, the UPF Annual crime report of 2020 shows that 17,664 cases of Domestic Violence were reported to Police compared to 13,693 reported in 2019, giving a 29% increase.

Furthermore, a total of 14,134 cases of Defilement were reported to Police compared to 13,613 cases reported in 2019, giving an increase of 3.8%.

The prevalence, complexity and the social acceptance of Gender Based Violence has generated the recognition that its prevention and response requires broad community participation and particularly the participation of men and boys.

And according to SSP Atuhaire, it is for this reason that the National Male involvement strategy for the prevention and response to Gender Based Violence in Uganda, 2017, aims at engaging men and boys to become change agents in their communities and workplaces, promoting peace and security, mitigating conflicts, protecting the rights of women and girls, sensitizing their peers and ensuring victims/survivors receive appropriate services.

“UPF has the responsibility of ensuring that all people are treated respectfully and crimes against them are dealt with seriously regardless of gender. Positive masculinity in this case will emphasize the values of equality, respect and dignity for people of all gender identities. Sensitive handling of GBV crimes in particular contributes to a society where discrimination and GBV are not tolerated and where equality is possible,” she says.

Against the above background, the UN Women supported UPF to hold dialogues where male police officers will support and lead public awareness campaigns that challenge biases, stereotypes and instigate dialogue.

“This is geared towards promoting positive masculinity with the aim of eliminating all forms of gender discrimination and Violence Against Women and Girls both within the force and the public at large. Positive masculinity is when men use their physical and emotional strength to champion healthy behaviours in the community. The focus on positive masculinity is to help generations of men learn healthy behaviours and then develop more robust communities. It’s about displaying vulnerability, emotional intelligence and moral courage. Positive masculinity also means embracing femininity and not being ashamed of it,” notes SSP Atuhaire.

]]> Why Museveni refused to sign Sexual Offences and Succession bills into laws Wed, 18 Aug 2021 10:27:26 +0000 Deputy Speaker of Parliament Anita Among on Tuesday informed the House that President Yoweri Museveni refused to assent to the Sexual Offences and Succession bills saying the two bills had repetitions that are already provided for in other legislations.

In a letter dated 3rd August addressed to Speaker of Parliament Jacob Oulanyah, President Museveni said that the Sexual Offences Bill needs to be reviewed to address the redundancies and repetitions in it.

The Sexual Offences Bill was tabled by former Kumi Woman MP Monica Amoding in 2015 and was before the Committee on Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, which presented a report four years later on Wednesday, 13 February 2019.

Its aim was to come up with specific law on sexual offences that criminalizes unwelcome touch, patting, pinching or any other unsolicited physical contact and sexual comments.

The Bill also seeks to enhance punishment of sexual offenders; provide for the protection of victims during sexual offences trials; provide for extraterritorial application of the law and to repeal some provisions of the Penal Code Act.

On Monday, May 3, 2021, the 10th Parliament passed the Bill and it was sent to President Museveni to assent to it.

However, using the power given to him under Article 19 of the Constitution,  Museveni declined to append his signature on the Bill and sent it back citing a lot of queries about it or particulars in it as it was passed by the Parliament.

In his letter, President Museveni said; “I have received the Sexual Offences Bill 2021 for assent. However, the Bill needs to be reviewed because there are several provisions of Act that are already provided for in the legislation i.e. Section 2, 3, 5,6,7,9,10,12,13, 14,15,16,17,18,19,20 and 22. All the above offences are already provided for in the Penal Code Act Chapter 8 on the offences against morality.”

” I have been informed that Uganda Law Reform Commission had earlier carried out a comprehensive review on all criminal-related laws i.e the Penal Code Act, Magistrates Court Act, the Trial and Indictment Act |and] Evidence Act. Their proposed amendments were presented by the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs to the Legal and Parliamentary Committee of Parliament but were never considered. Instead of carrying out piecemeal amendments, the commission should be given, an opportunity to review all the criminal laws and propose comprehensive amendment of relevant laws for consideration of Parliament.”

On the Succession Bill, he also refused to assent to it on grounds that the bill as it was passed will cause a lot of trouble in families. In the bill, clause 14(c) talks about sharing property where a wife to deceased was given 80 percent, children 20 percent while the heir 1 percent.

However, President Museveni commented that the way the bill shares the wealth of the deceased will bring chaos to families.

“The above amendment will not only be unfair to dependent relatives but it will also create disharmony between the surviving spouse and the deceased’s relatives,” reads the letter. Adding that wife must be given 50 percent, children 47 percent and heir 1 percent.

As a way forward, Among referred the two Bills to the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee for reconsideration before a final decision is taken.

]]> NWSC Steps up service delivery in Kamwenge, Mityana, Mubende towns Wed, 18 Aug 2021 10:12:15 +0000 The National water and sewerage Corporation (NWSC) is working on a number of interventions to boost access to safe clean water in Mubende,Mityana and Kamwenge towns.

This was shared by the NWSC Board Chairman Eng. Dr. Badru. M. Kiggundu during a service assessment tour of the towns, by the NWSC Board.

NWSC Works in the towns include;

•NWSC Kamwenge area laid 127 kms of pipe in 201819, 86kms in 2019/20 and 15kms in 2020/21

•NWSC Mityana area laid 150kms of water mains under the Service Coverage acceleration programme

•Water extension to Tamu division in Mityana (This included the construction of a 162,000litres reservoir tank, a booster station, laying of a 12km pumping main, power extension to the booster station)

• Drilling of motorized borehole sets to provide an alternative water source in Mityana

•Feasibility studies of the Nakatongoli catchment witn an aim of improving water quality in Mityana

•Installed public water points in 132 villages out of 164 in Mityana.

“In addition to the above works, NWSC in partnership with Kamwenge stakeholders is working on a project to serve Rwamwanja Refugee settlement camp, Bigodi water project, Kitonzi and Kambambiro water projects in partnership with Water for People and Bishozi water supply improvement project in partnership with UNHCR,”Eng Kiggundu shared.

In Mityana, the completed interventions addressed the water supply challenges in Mityana Municipality.

]]> Ugandan men are excited to receive female refugees from Afghanistan- Minister Betty Amongi reveals Wed, 18 Aug 2021 09:57:08 +0000 The Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development Betty Amongi has sarcastically claimed that Ugandan men are excited and praying so hard for the safe landing of Afghan refugees specifically women.

In her Wednesday tweet, Amongi said Ugandan men are already promising government how they will fully support and cooperate with it to ensure the wellbeing of the refugees.

“I’ve seen our Ugandan men praying for safe landing of Afghanistan refugees, and sharing various photos of ladies. They are promising total support and cooperation with government this time on this project! Hope it’s not Stingy Men Association,” Amongi tweeted.

This week,Uganda took a decision to receive 2,000 refugees from Afghanistan.

This is after the United States of America requested the East African country to host the refugees that are affected by the Taliban forces in Afghanistan, according to the State Minister for Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Esther Anyakun.

“Our team is ready at the airport, including the health team. Tonight we are expecting 500 Afghans,” Anyakun said told New Vision newspaper on Monday.

However, by press time the teams were still at Entebbe International Airport waiting for the arrival of the Afghan refugees.

Anyakun later told the daily publication on Tuesday that the refugees will be hosted temporarily at the request of the United States government.

Vianney Luggya, the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority public relations manager, the airport is always ready to receive whichever number of passengers comes in.

Andrew Nsawotebba, the health manager for test and fly, which is responsible for testing incoming passengers, said the refugees will not be subjected to the mandatory COVID-19 testing since Afghanistan is not listed among the category countries.

Kabul’s international airport was in the throes of chaos Monday as desperate Afghans tried to flee on departing U.S. jets, Taliban gunmen roamed the terminals, and U.S. troops killed at least two men, a sign of the disorder in the wake of the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan.

U.S. troops on Monday flew helicopters low overhead, launched smoke grenades and fired into the air in an attempt to disperse crowds and gain control of the facility, where the U.S. is staging the evacuation of American personnel and thousands of Afghan interpreters and others who worked for the U.S. and now fear Taliban retribution.

At least eight Afghans were killed on Monday at the airport. In two incidents, armed men were shot and killed after approaching U.S. Marines. The U.S. troops weren’t injured and the armed men weren’t identified. Military officials said they couldn’t confirm whether the armed individuals were members of the Taliban.

Video images from the airport on Monday showed people holding on to a military plane moving along the tarmac and appeared to show two objects or people fall off when the aircraft was hundreds of feet in the air. Pentagon officials acknowledged the video imagery, but said they couldn’t yet confirm what had occurred, or if people had fallen from the plane. Commanders have begun an investigation into what happened on the tarmac, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said on Monday.

Witnesses separately reported seeing three bloodied bodies, including that of one woman, on the ground outside the passenger terminal building. Stranded travelers said those people had been shot.

]]> Here is the murder case that landed notorious court bailiff Kirunda into trouble Wed, 18 Aug 2021 07:23:45 +0000 Renowned city Court Bailiff Moses Kirunda on Tuesday appeared before Makindye Chief Magistrates court where he was charged with murder and remanded to Kitalya prison until 1st September.

Kirunda who commanded the demolition of a church in Ndeeba last year, was arrested on Monday by the State House Anti-Corruption operatives after going into hiding for a month following the shooting of a businessman in Nateete, a city suburb.

Prosecution says Kirunda along with Maj Nelson Kyatuka, attached to the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI), and a police officer yet to be identified, allegedly participated in the murder of a businessman, Magidu Mugwanya, at Nateete in Kampala, on July 14.

“Maj Nelson Marks Kyatuka, Moses Kirunda and others still at large on July, 14, 2021 at Kitunzi zone, Lungujja , Lubaga division in Kampala district with malice aforethought unlawfully caused the death of Majid Mugwanya,” the state prosecutor read the charges.

Kampala Metropolitan police deputy spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigyire says Kirunda denied shooting the deceased, but put it on Maj Kyatuka.

According to the witness’ reports, on a fateful day, Mugwanya had parked his car on the roadside when he saw a woman crying and seeking help. The woman was being dragged by three men into a car at night. Mugwanya reportedly moved out of his car to help the woman, but one of the three men shot him in the chest, despite identifying himself and raising his hands. He died on the spot and the suspects fled the scene.

Mugwanya 43, was a resident of Kibumbiro B zone Busega parish running a home interior shop at Equatorial mall in Kampala.

Meanwhile last week, Maj Kyatuka was charged with one count of murder and two counts of failure to protect war materials in the Makindye-based court-martial. However, he denied the charges and was remanded to Makindye Military Police Barracks until August 25.

]]> We should be concerned about terrorism! Ex-minister Capt Francis Babu expresses fears on what may happen to Uganda after hosting Afghan refugees Wed, 18 Aug 2021 07:04:37 +0000 Veteran ruling party-NRM cadre Captain Francis Babu has expressed concern on what may happen to Uganda following the East African Country’s move to host refugees from Afghanistan.

During an interview with NTV Uganda on Wednesday, Capt Babu said he is worried that Uganda is bringing refugees from a countries that have been part of terrorism.

“Why can’t USA take those refugees? Helping our neighbors and fellow Africans is okay. Why are we going to the middle East that has been a turbulent area for too long?” the former State Minister for housing said.

“America has enough States to take just 2000 refugees, why are they pushing us to take them? We have already paid a price for being in Somalia, do we want more?” he added.

Capt Babu’s remarks come hot on the heels of Uganda’s decision to receive 2,000 refugees from Afghanistan.

This is after the United States of America requested the East African country to host the refugees that are affected by the Taliban forces in Afghanistan, according to the State Minister for Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Esther Anyakun.

“Our team is ready at the airport, including the health team. Tonight we are expecting 500 Afghans,” Anyakun said told New Vision newspaper on Monday.

However, by press time the teams were still at Entebbe International Airport waiting for the arrival of the Afghan refugees.

Anyakun later told the daily publication on Tuesday that the refugees will be hosted temporarily at the request of the United States government.

Vianney Luggya, the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority public relations manager, the airport is always ready to receive whichever number of passengers comes in.

Andrew Nsawotebba, the health manager for test and fly, which is responsible for testing incoming passengers, said the refugees will not be subjected to the mandatory COVID-19 testing since Afghanistan is not listed among the category countries.

Kabul’s international airport was in the throes of chaos Monday as desperate Afghans tried to flee on departing U.S. jets, Taliban gunmen roamed the terminals, and U.S. troops killed at least two men, a sign of the disorder in the wake of the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan.

U.S. troops on Monday flew helicopters low overhead, launched smoke grenades and fired into the air in an attempt to disperse crowds and gain control of the facility, where the U.S. is staging the evacuation of American personnel and thousands of Afghan interpreters and others who worked for the U.S. and now fear Taliban retribution.

At least eight Afghans were killed on Monday at the airport. In two incidents, armed men were shot and killed after approaching U.S. Marines. The U.S. troops weren’t injured and the armed men weren’t identified. Military officials said they couldn’t confirm whether the armed individuals were members of the Taliban.

Video images from the airport on Monday showed people holding on to a military plane moving along the tarmac and appeared to show two objects or people fall off when the aircraft was hundreds of feet in the air. Pentagon officials acknowledged the video imagery, but said they couldn’t yet confirm what had occurred, or if people had fallen from the plane. Commanders have begun an investigation into what happened on the tarmac, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said on Monday.

Witnesses separately reported seeing three bloodied bodies, including that of one woman, on the ground outside the passenger terminal building. Stranded travelers said those people had been shot.


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